Overview Economy Community People Environment Governance & Risk Disclosure GRI & ADX 97GRI 102-7, 102-8, 103-1, 302-1, 302-2, 401-1 2020 performance Workforce data Workforce data Headcount 2018 2019 2020 Corporate Total Employees (Permanent) 376 389 357 % Female (Total Employees) 29.66% 31.07% 31.37% Aldar Education Total Employees21 1,490 2,515 2,780 % Female (Total Employees) 78.26% 79.17% 77.41% Provis and Khidmah Total Employees 3,042 3,338 3,918 % Female (Total Employees)21 16.90% 16.99% 18.71% Hospitality and Leisure Total Employees 2,648 2,674 2,674 % Female (Total Employees) 20.28% 20.76% 20.76% 21 For Aldar Education, Provis and Khidmah the 2018 and 2019 figures were calculated using “Direct Hire” figures. Gender balance Status Aldar Corporate Aldar Education Khidmah/Provis Health and Leisure All StaffTotal Gender Total Gender Total Gender Total Gender Total Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Permanent 245 112 357 620 2,152 2,772 3,185 733 3,918 1,934 527 2,461 9,508 Temporary 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 185 28 213 221 Total 245 112 357 620 2,160 2,780 3,185 733 3,918 2,119 555 2,674 9,729 22 Data excludes adjacent business Employee turnover and new hires Year Total number and rateof employee turnover,by gender Total number and rate ofemployee turnover, by age Total number and rate of newemployee hires, by gender Total number of new employee hires, by age group Female Male Male Female Below 30 30 -50 Above 50 Total Number Rate Total Number Rate Below 30 30 - 50 Above 50 2018 10.2% 3.7% 0.8% 9.9% 3.1% 36 39% 56 61% 8 75 9 2019 11.0% 8.6% 0.3% 11.0% 3.7% 21 30% 49 70% 8 59 3 2020 18.2% 7.0% 1.1% 20.4% 3.8% 21 34% 41 66% 5 53 4 23 Data excludes adjacent business