Overview Economy Community People Environment Governance & Risk Disclosure GRI & ADX 112GRI 102-55 Description Page number(s) and/or direct answers ADX Environmental GRI 103 Management Approach 2016 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary P15, P67-82 (Material Topic) P99-102, P119-121 (Boundaries and Limitations) E7. Environmental Operations. 103-2 The management approach and its components P66-88, P99-102, AR P42-47 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach P88-91 Materials GRI 301: Materials 2016 301-1 Materials used by weight or volume P103 Energy GRI 302: Energy 2016 302-1 Energy consumption within the organization P74-76, P99-100 E3. Energy Usage E5. Energy Mix 302-2 Energy consumption outside of the organization P74-76, P99-100 302-3 Energy intensity P76 400 MWh/mAED. Energy consumption outside of organisation was not included for calculation of this indicator. This indicator includes consumption of fuels (diesel, natural gas, lpg, petrol), electricity and cooling wherever available. E4. Energy Intensity 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption P76 E3. Energy Usage Water and Effluents GRI 303: Water and Effluents 2018 303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resource P78-79, P91, P119-121 E6. Water Usage 303-2 Management of water discharge-related impacts P78-79 303-5 Water consumption P78-79, P91, P102 Biodiversity GRI 304: Biodiversity 2016 304-3 Habitats protected or restored P82 304-4 IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations P82 GRI Content Index