Overview Economy Community People Environment Governance & Risk Disclosure GRI & ADX 100GRI 103-1, 303-5, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5 Total absolute GHG emissions28 Business Units Scope 1 2020 (tCO2e) Scope 2 2020 (tCO2e) Scope 3 2020 (tCO2e) Total Residential and Small Retail 0.00 142,799.02 17,238.83 160,037.85 Commercial 5,818.27 24,848.33 9,244.27 39,910.87 Retail 6,930.03 77,408.28 5,826.81 90,165.12 Hospitality and Leisure 3,247.19 27,508.18 21,068.60 51,823.97 Education 0.00 33,019.44 6,385.02 39,404.46 Total Aldar Investment 15,995.48 305,583.25 59,763.54 381,342.27 Developments (construction process) 0 0 27,770.59 27,770.59 Developments (embodied emissions) 0 0 1,599,140.92 1,599,140.92 Total 15,995.48 305,583.25 1,686,675.05 2,008,254.78 28 We report for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions on assets where Aldar has operational control. The GHG Emissions calculation of Scope 1 and Scope 2 includes 88 assets out of 103 of our asset management portfolio and 12 development projects out of 16 for this reporting period. Scope 1 calculation includes direct emissions from fuel consumptions and from refrigerant gasses as HCFC -22, HFC-134a, R404a, R407C, R410a where available. Scope 2 calculation includes emissions from electricity and cooling consumption where available. This year for the first time we calculated our Scope 3 emissions from certain categories, including: emissions from employee commuting (where data was available), materials used for our completed projects in the reporting period, emissions from transmissions and distribution of electricity supply, emissions from waste of our developments and assets under operational control and from 4 Hotels not under direct operational control. A comprehensive Scope 3 calculation is being considered for the future, at the moment there may be underestimation due to low data provision. Our main emissions within Scope 3 are from embodied emissions for two large projects completed in phases within the reporting year which represent 99% of all Scope 3 emissions from developments. For the calculation of GHG emissions, the IEA emission factors library was used as the main source and DEFRA Guidance was used as the secondary source for calculation of some emissions (such as from cooling), for calculation of emissions from refrigerants IPCC GWPs from DEFRA Guidance were used. For calculation of embodied emissions ICE factors (https://ghgprotocol.org/ Third-Party-Databases/Bath-ICE) were used and for calculation of emissions from waste, DEFRA guidance was used. Reduction in GHG emissions (Aldar Investment)29 Business Units Total emissions2019 – Scope 1, 2 & 3 (tCO2e) Total emissions2020 – Scope 1, 2 & 3 (tCO2e) Residential and Small Retail 151,779.85 127,048.24 Commercial 45,654.09 39,639.34 Retail 89,386.43 85,922.68 Hospitality and Leisure 38,506.13 31,495.47 Education 23,588.30 19,149.16 Total 375,983.79 340,447.84 29 Like-for-like comparison of GHG Emissions where data available is for both years. We included 68 assets out of 85 assets which were operational during last 24 months. Reduction based on Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions. 2020 performance Environmental performance