Overview Economy Community People Environment Governance & Risk Disclosure GRI & ADX 57GRI 103-2, 103-3, 405-1 Women in leadership Aldar is dedicated to increasing the percentage of women across all levels of the business, and specifically in critical positions, including on the Board of Directors. Our commitment to women in leadership was exemplified by the appointment in 2020 of Mariam Saeed Ghobash – who had been the first woman on the Aldar Board - as vice-chairperson. Across our adjacent businesses, at Khidmah 43% of Board members are female and at Provis, 34% are women in management level roles. It is not just at the leadership level that we work to advance women. In 2020, we launched a resilience programme, focusing on female empowerment, supporting our female employees to become the leaders of tomorrow. We kickstarted a leadership programme for International Women’s Day and launched She is Aldar, a campaign designed to showcase the outstanding female leaders across all levels of the business. As part of our commitment to transparent reporting, in 2019 we assessed the gap for the first time. While remuneration at Aldar is based on role and position, not gender, we did identify room for improvement. As well as strategically focusing on rebalancing our gender distribution at Aldar, we continue to monitor and assess our gender pay gap and implement measures that address discrepancies. 7 Data excludes adjacent businesses Empowering People of Determination At Aldar, we have always been committed to providing jobs and skills training to enable our People of Determination to reach their full potential and to be active members in our community. We have aligned all our initiatives with the Abu Dhabi Comprehensive Strategy for People of Determination 2020-2024, which was launched in September 2020. We actively encourage greater recruitment of People of Determination into various roles and levels across Aldar and we are taking steps to increase this figure further. Making the workplace inclusive is crucial - we have installed physical aids and technical support for People of Determination at all our assets. In a further, unique initiative, we identify a buddy to guide our new People of Determination through their first few months, helping them understand their role and integrate into the company. We also provide frontline training to our employees in relevant issues, and several have already learned sign language to improve communication with, and integration of, People of Determination into our teams. Where any experience or skills gap exists, there is a clear training structure in place, designed to bring new People of Determination joiners up to the level required for their role within six months. We also allocate a mentor from our training department to meet with the new employee on a weekly basis for the first month, in order to take and process trainee feedback, and liaise with the relevant Gender balance at leadership level7 Female Male supervisor and hiring manager to get their input on the training required. Our investment in the ATMAH programme is a testament to our commitment to increase employment opportunities for People of Determination in Abu Dhabi (see page 46). Leading a diverse and inclusive culture 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 100% 30% 18 19 20 31% 31% 71% 76% 72%