Overview Economy Community People Environment Governance & Risk Disclosure GRI & ADX 10GRI 413-1 For more about our responsible environmental stewardship, see pages 66 to 82. increase in Great Place to Work annual audit, placing Aldar in the UAE’s top 10 Great Places to Work in the region to support the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reduction in the number of Serious Reportable Incidents, and a 57% reduction in the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate compared with 2019 emissions employees like-for-like reduction in Aldar Investment’s carbon footprint For more about how we protect and empower our diverse workforce, see pages 48 to 65. Our sustainability journey People Environment Became one of the Significant strides made in disclosing Emiratis represent almost Launched a portfolio-wide energy management project, covering New mandatory sustainability training modules delivered to of our workforce, upfrom 27% in 2019 12% 300 60% 30% first 13% Scope 3 87 assets