Overview Economy Community People Environment Governance & Risk Disclosure GRI & ADX 65GRI 103-2, 103-3, 403-1, 403-2, 403-6, 403-7, 403-8 Health and safety awareness and training Aldar Investment’s training matrix sets out our systematic approach for identifying, delivering, and monitoring HSE training, with all employees receiving safety training appropriate to their role. Health and safety training is also available to our facilities management service providers during prequalification, and to our visitors. 2020 progress12 Number of recordablework-related injuries LTIFR Number of fatalities as a result ofwork-related ill health Number of cases of recordablework-related ill health 12 Data only includes Provis performance Throughout 2020, Khidmah provided: 265 Sessions for contractors 185 Induction training sessions 163 Specialist training sessions Monitoring health and safety performance We deal with incident investigations through our 24/7/365 call-out service, Speak Up, which offers those working for Aldar Investments and its adjacent businesses a direct way to report an incident, via phone or email, to the Head of Audit for the relevant subsidiary. As well as clearly advertising Speak Up on bulletin board posters, a box is placed in each staff camp so that concerns can be reported anonymously. Results from all Speak Up audits are collated on a central OSH system, which is monitored daily. Creating safe, healthy workplaces 4 0.23 0 0