Overview Economy Community People Environment Governance & Risk Disclosure GRI & ADX Stakeholder inclusiveness This report draws upon the outcomes of regular, constructive dialogue with key stakeholder groups. This dialogue informed the selection of topics in our materiality exercise. More information on engagement with stakeholders is available on page 92. Sustainability context Sustainability is an intrinsic part of our business strategy and it is important we demonstrate our approach and performance is aligned with local needs and international trends. Aldar is aligned with the national Vision 2021 and 2030 plans by supporting initiatives such as Ghadan 21, the national Climate Change Plan and the UAE Green Agenda. At a global level we have aligned our approach with eight of the Sustainable Development Goals that are most relevant for our business. For more information on the integration of our sustainability and business strategy, including how economic, environmental and social topics relate to our long-term strategy see page 14. Materiality In line with GRI Standards we have undertaken in 2019 a materiality assessment across our business to understand the key issues that are important to our stakeholders and which could impact business performance. In 2020 we have undertaken a materiality review based on internal stakeholders input and new business priorities, the results of which have been validated by Aldar’s CEO, our Executive Management Committee and Sustainability Council. For more information on materiality see page 15. Completeness and boundaries This report includes quantitative and qualitative data that we have collated across Aldar using relevant regulatory guidelines. Assurance over the metrics below has been completed: GHG Emissions, Energy Usage, Work related injuries (LTIFR), Employee turnover, Average hours of training per employee, % spent on local suppliers and customer satisfaction. Final findings are presented in the published Aldar Sustainability Report 2020. The boundaries of our reporting cover, unless otherwise stated, Aldar’s operational scope, which comprises of: 14 active development projects (materially in construction) and a maximum total scope of 90 assets (out of 103) across Retail, Residential, Commercial and Hospitality, Education and Leisure portfolios. The scope of each individual indicator varies depending on data availability and the exact scope for each indicator is noted in foot notes in the main body of the report. Going forward, we aim to expand our data coverage to include additional assets that are mainly fully tenanted. This report covers Aldar’s corporate sustainability activities during 2020 and, due to its materiality some activities in the early part of 2021. All data relates to the calendar year 2020, unless stated otherwise. Prior period errors are omissions or misstatements to one or more prior periods arising from a failure to use (or misuse of) information that was available when the information was being compiled and that could reasonably have been expected to have been taken into account. Prior period errors are considered material if they exceed 5% for the specific scope. Material prior-period errors are corrected retrospectively by correcting the comparative amounts and are clearly disclosed in the relevant area for transparency. Reporting criteria 119GRI 102-46, 103-1, 303-5, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5, 306-1